These are my Quotes and Witticisms and I am Thomas Paul Murhpy. I hope you find them at the very least, insightful.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
More thoughts from some time ago.
Reincarnation“Throw your pacifier to the wind and start talking again!” 10/10/2008 COPYRIGHT THOMAS MURPHY
“You're not as smart as I am if you believe in falsehoods and try and convince me of them.” 9/24/2007 COPYRIGHT THOMAS MURPHY
“Everything I learned about cooking I learned in High School Chemistry Class” 7/30/2007 COPYRIGHT THOMAS MURPHY
“Should you trust someone for the sole reason that they haven’t killed you yet?” “NO” 12/30/2007 COPYRIGHT THOMAS MURPHY
Uncommon- Common Sense “To know what’s right aside from personal experience.” 8/2/2007
“Enrich their lives and make them pleasant, what you see otherwise isn’t present.” 6/24/2007 COPYRIGHT THOMAS MURPHY
“Sometimes we don’t realize what we do is wrong until we see someone else doing the same thing wrong.” COPYRIGHT THOMAS MURPHY 7/18/2007
“Your Isaiah skills are sorely lacking.” COPYRIGHT THOMAS MURPHY 7/21/2007
“Tell them you’re smarter and watch them get really pissed.”
Feminine Materialism “When you make a lot of money don’t become like a money fairy stripper”. Who takes money out of her G-strings and dispenses with it frivolously.” 6/21/2007 COPYRIGHT THOMAS MURPHY
“If you’re not Isaiah, just listen.” 7/27/2007 COPYRIGHT THOMAS MURPHY
“If the pharmacies really cared they would hand you a paper cup of water after you paid and say take one now.” 7/26/2007 COPYRIGHT THOMAS MURPHY
Artistic License “Oppasitious”
“The first decision will filter out.” 9/6/2007
“Avail yourself of a pacifier.”
Pretend to be a board of health inspector when go grocery shopping.”
“No single one is evil but two of them together are.” 7/21/2007 COPYRIGHT THOMAS MURPHY
On Odds “If you’ve told me one hundred lies what are the odds of the last thing you told me being true. 10/30/2007”
“They would burn your left foot to make you use your right.” 10/5/2007 COPYRIGHT THOMAS MURPHY
“You can tell a neighbor is up to no good when you never see them, and then they opportunistically come out of the house just when you do, and then everything you do after that turns to ruin.” COPYRIGHT THOMAS MURPHY 10/6/2007
“Were only different like we say we are, not how you say.” 10/6/2007
“You’re uncomfortable with yourself and you project that to me.” 10/6/2007
“You only argue for arguments sake, not for the truth of matters.” COPYRIGHT THOMAS MURPHY 10/5/2007
“A big man with a club walks up to genius and say’s, I’s smarter than you, the Genius say not your not. You’re an openord idiot. The big guy hits him on the head with a club and says. “Now I is.” Thomas
“I’m too busy dancing to the bullets.” 9/14/2007 Copyright Thomas Murphy
“The nature of the ugly soul, it sees something it thinks is better and it tries to destroy it.” 9/14/2007
“You do not have my eyes, if you could see as I do you would change.” 8/20/2007 COPYRIGHT THOMAS MURPHY
“It is what it is, some evil brat. 9/20/2007
“It knows not right from wrong.” 9/20/2007 COPYRIGHT THOMAS MURPHY
“Your Omitory and in reclusive in what you tell me.”
“You take the bad with the good and you call it the same, when you’re doing something you like.” COPYRIGHT THOMAS MURPHY 9/14/2007
Rhyme “Those who don’t like me I consider a felon. I take a shower at night to keep from smelling.” 9/17/2010
“We don’t want any spellbinders here.” 8/17/2007 Thomas Murphy
“It’s a good thing you did. Because that got me thinking.”
“It didn’t hurt me, so how that could hurt you.”
“It didn’t offend me when I said that, so how could that offend you”
“I like a woman with a little hair on the lip; it’s kind of like come here tough guy and well fight.”
“You’ll have to forgive me but there’s something I really don’t like about you. And I think it’s you. COPYRIGHT THOMAS MURPHY 9/23/2007
Diabeasties, “Oh look at how pretty I am doesn’t that count for something.” Oh look at how ugly I am don’t I deserve something for this.” COPYRIGHT THOMAS MURPHY 12/10/2007
“She thinks she can get you to do things for her by not complying to the things that you do that are spectacular.” 10/6/2007 COPYRIGHT THOMAS MURPHY
“The improbable Mr. Bobbable.” “Dobbable” 12/7/2007
“You need to challenge your frustration matrix more.” 12/4/2007 COPYRIGHT THOMAS MURPHY
“Ultimate panic is reverting back to our native languages hardwired in our brain.”
“All things come to those who procrastinate.” COPYRIGHT THOMAS MURPHY 11/20/2007
“There’s Mr. Ornery Pants, he likes to do the Taco Dance.” 12/5/2007
Rhyme “I was convinced against my will by you, that you did not like me still.” 12/4/2007 COPYRIGHT THOMAS MURPHY
Wisconsin Cabin Fever Poem: “The winters come and the winters go. Some have more or less of snow. Lord Oh Lord, you just never know. Where my mind will go.” 12/14/2007 COPYRIGHT THOMAS MURPHY
“The true nature of competition, is outdoing yourself,” 12/13/2007
Simple Dialog, Person One “You know what your problem is you didn’t get enough milk out of your mother’s tiny pencil eraser nipple.” Person Two “Yeah I did, I sucked all I could out of there.” 12/11/2007 COPYRIGHT THOMAS MURPHY
P1 “I can see that you are purposefully ignoring me which means you’re doing just the opposite, you’re not ignoring me.” But I however am not ignoring you, I just didn’t notice you. That’s all. I just never noticed you.” COPYRIGHT THOMAS MURPHY 12/11/2007
You noticed me. I know you noticed me. No really I didn’t.
“I don’t remember it being quite as much as such.” 12/7/2007 COPYRIGHT THOMAS MURPHY
“It must be nice that you don’t have a care in the world, that you have time to bother me.” 12/6/2007 COPYRIGHT THOMAS MURPHY
“You told yourself it’s the right thing to do. That makes it the right thing to do. Go on, it must be right, you told yourself didn’t you.” 12/6/2007
“You’re not a world leader if you cannot talk to another world leader.” 12/7/2007 COPYRIGHT THOMAS MURPHY
“Through their lies you know the truth.” COPYRIGHT THOMAS MURPHY 12/29/2007
“Their bodies cock. And their mouths fire.” 9/2/2007 COPYRIGHT THOMAS MURPHY
“Is there still something in me you would like to sell?”
“There is often more than one reason to do a good thing.” COPYRIGHT THOMAS MURPHY 12/7/2007
“Who is it that thinks they should not need to forgive, is he who thinks he has not sinned, who has not.”
“If you can’t forgive. Should you be forgiven? If you don’t think you should need to be forgiven are you human.” 11/9/2007 COPYRIGHT THOMAS MURPHY
“What do you believe in other than yourself?” 11/27/2007 COPYRIGHT THOMAS MURPHY
“Tell me what you do to people you don’t like.” 11/26/2007 COPYRIGHT THOMAS MURPHY
“To see beauty is to know God, and you don’t” COPYRIGHT THOMAS MURPHY 11/27/2007
“I’m sorry what I said about you, to you.” COPYRIGHT THOMAS MURPHY 11/24/2007
They feel uncomfortable with themselves.
They are insecure.
They do not accept themselves for who they are physically.
They believe that who they are physically is what they are inside. They become how they are looked at.
They fit into what people see them as and think themselves same. They do not have the confidence or the intelligence to know how to change.
“Those who converge together on the one are all guilty individually and separately.
“You’re something dreadful that looks like it isn’t” COPYRIGHT THOMAS MURPHY 11/27/2007
“One of Medusa’s Snakes bit her on the tongue.” 11/17/2007 COPYRIGHT THOMAS MURPHY
“I really don’t like you do I.” 10/1/2007 COPYRIGHT THOMAS MURPHY
“The Italians have their own antidefemation league. It’s called the mafia.” 10/25/2007 COPYRIGHT THOMAS MURPHY
About those who do onto others what has been done onto them. They become their own worst enemy.
“It takes strength to “I CAN” 10/15/2007
“I love it when you try and dawn the cap of an educated person.” 10/12/2007
“The Ego of the uneducated will not let them see wisdom.” 10/12/2007 COPYRIGHT THOMAS MURPHY
“If you ask someone to explain their behavior and they don’t are you free to think what you want of it?” Answer, “ You are free to think.” 10/27/2007 COPYRIGHT THOMAS MURPHY and AMBROSE MURPHY
Your friends should help you excel, not bring you down to a lower level.”
To a pathological liar, Repetition makes it seem better. COPYRIGHT THOMAS MURPHY
“Beware of the one who comes around rather inconveinently and tells you their you’re best friend.” 1/12/20008 COPYRIGHT THOMAS MURPHY
“The heart of Gold contest.” “The good mother contest.” The good father contest. MR. or Mrs. Green thumbs contest. Etc. You get the rhetorical point.”
“Storyline idea, about how people identify with and treat their pets better than they do fellow human beings.”
“How much productivity is lost each year because the numbers lock key is turned off?” COPYRIGHT THOMAS MURPHY 1/6/2008
“Don’t dare tell someone their wrong they might have to learn or something.” COPYRIGHT THOMAS MURPHY 2/5/2008
“If you don’t want to think. Open your mouth.” COPYRIGHT THOMAS MURPHY 4/23/2008
“It doesn’t matter that it wasn’t personal. It was intentional.” 2/9/2008 COPYRIGHT THOMAS MURPHY
“Beware of the Dumb Cluck who offers you corn.” 3/11/2008 COPYRIGHT THOMAS MURPHY
Concept “The Billy Mayes Dating Service.” 10/12/2008 Copyright Thomas Murphy
Quantumn Phsyics Question to ponder, “If one form of energy can be changed into another does that mean that it had the “presence” of that energy or “potential” or possession of the subsequent, coded in it from the start?”
A politician rarely say’s “A responsible program of government for personal development and growth of a nation.”
“People, who don’t take criticism, don’t learn very well.” 2/29/08 COPYRIGHT THOMAS MURPHY
“Look at the child money could buy.” 5/27/2008
“Who are you that you can declare immunity from my persecutions.” 8/2/2007 COPYRIGHT THOMAS MURPHY
“An idea should be evaluated as either good or bad, independent of whose it is.” 2/28/2008 COPYRIGHT THOMAS MURPHY
“They really can’t argue, they just assert their opinion louder so they don’t have to hear yours.” COPYRIGHT THOMAS MURPHY 10/24/2008
“The spoiled many against the weakened one.” 9/8/2008 COPYRIGHT THOMAS MURPHY
“I want just a little bish.” 1/16/2008 COPYRIGHT THOMAS MURPHY
Rhyme “She had cream of clay about, all around her piggeth snout.” 12/23/2008 COPYRIGHT THOMAS MURPHY
Rhyme “She needed a paint brush and some oil base, to complement her dainty face.” 12/23/2008 COPYRIGHT THOMAS MURPHY
Rhyme “I figured as much as that was such. As that was such I figured as much.” 12/19/2008 COPYRIGHT THOMAS MURPHY
“Ignore all I said about you tomorrow.” COPYRIGHT THOMAS MURPHY
“Anger is fear based reflexive.”
Story Idea,” The Burlaps” About a community that lost all money and had to where burlap.
Rhyme, “You’re a lead wine, Romine.” 12/31/2008 COPYRIGHT THOMAS MURPHY
“If you know what you shouldn’t do, maybe you should figure out what you should do.” 12/30/2008 COPYRIGHT THOMAS MURPHY
“Jesus Said,” Those who suffer are filled with bless and then he said,” Gxx Dxxx you clean up this mess.” COPYRIGHT THOMAS MURPHY 12/28/2008
“Those who cheat and steal in life never develop their own sense of achievement.” COPYRIGHT THOMAS MURPHY 11/7/2008
“They who have no true self cannot but lie.” COPYRIGHT THOMAS MURPHY 11/16/2008
Monday, February 15, 2010
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Initial Postings Set Witticisms and Quotes of Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2010 Thomas Paul Murphy
All intellectual material herein was thought of by Thomas Paul Murphy unless otherwise noted, and is posted here for your enjoyment. I can kind of tell what “phase” in life I was in when I read these. I hope you get a laugh, if you do click on one of the advertisements that interest you when you leave the site. God Bless
Thomas Paul Murphy
Responsible communication
"Do not consider eating a big meal as a reward for yourself." 03 17 2007
"Nothing is same." 03 17 2007
"Everybody is Irish on St. Patrick’s Day and those drunken Irish are trouble."
"Men buy fishing baits like women buy Jewelry." 03 17 2007
"I find that if I follow where my imagination goes it often takes me to the truth." 03 18 2007
"If you don’t think poorly of yourself, you never strive to do better you worthless shit."
"Oh Jesus Christ she’s doing it."
"Laugh and the world laughs with you, cry and the world cry’s at you." 04 10 2007
"In her high castle sat the proud Quadradextrous Mary dreaming of visions of RB and eating four doughnuts simultaneously with her toe fingers."
"I would think a man such as yourself would hold out for a more prominent house for sale sign."
"Laugh one, Laugh all."
"Not able to see ourselves through others."
"They were taught to listen and they couldn’t stop hearing." 04 12 2007
"People are the way they are because of the way they were." 04 04 2007
"They were taught to be that way." 04 04 2007
They that make themselves feel good by making others feel bad 04 04 2007
"They that maketh themselves feel good by making less of others." 04 04 2007
"Recognizing the form of a moron’s applause when you hear it." 04 04 2007
I wrote a song you want to hear it:
My lucky number is 1
My lucky number is 2
My lucky number is 3
My lucky number is 4
My lucky number is 5
And so on, you get the idea.
"When a person’s actions are truly based on loving intentions things work out right."
"I’m so proud of your jealousy."
"You know what happened so and so showed up, and then so and so showed up again, and then so and so happened."
"I’m going to have to get out the block and tackle for you."
Igor say’s, “I think I can speak for so and so here”
"The so and so guy."
"So and so was seldom seen, so and so was seldom missed, and so and so finally left."
"So and so didn’t come over and then so and so wouldn’t come over again, and then so and so never came over belatedly anymore and then so and so never came over again."
"The some of all parts that is stronger than anyone."
"I’m sorry you see things my way."
"They looked at me like I was little Richard from day #1." 03 17 2007
"Physics – the more they push the harder I push back." 03 17 2007
"If I am unreal than anything I think and say about you would be unreal too, where should I start."
"For every TV show or movie depicting gun violence a preview of a young person accidentally shooting his brother S/B shown." 05 10 2007
"Harpoon the sun to solve the nations solar problems."
General Rule: “The one who quiets up first is the next one to go.” 07 31 2006
"You couldn’t be paid to be smart." 03 01 2007
"When two fools marry are their children more or less of fools." 03 02 2007
"Once you’re through they listen to you." 02 25 2007
"Car’s that eat people for energy."
"I see me in this world." 02 26 2007
"There’s only so much money you can shove in your boob strap." 02 26 2007
"Not everyone is as smart as me."
"Take the attitude that you keep people company."
"I don’t know what he’s thinking but I know what happens when he thinks." 03 11 2007
Note to self buy an old Sanford and Son truck and head straight to the border. Would be 1951 ford F100 “Murphy and Son”
"Bring full eye cannons to bear."
"Well driving the Hearst doesn’t pay much."
"The emotional waters he was navigating."
"You have wonderment and a merriful day."
"You need to take your dewitching pills." 03 30 2007
“Bachelorette #1 if I were to put you in a kitchen around dinner time what would you do?”
“Blush and Cover”
"Distraction transfer incentive."
“Now let’s see what did I do wrong, I took a breath of air here and I took a breath of air over there.”
"Plot: Captain of a pirate harem ship."
Scene, “J and T met while each shoveling shit at a horse stable. T had a close pin on her nose. And J finally talked to her and said “T what are your plans for the future?”
“You don’t want my money you shouldn’t get anybodies.”
"Let horn babe out of her cage."
"What do you think of someone who would antagonize someone until they got angry and then blame that someone for getting mad at you for it? A pilgrim maker."
"What is the difference between a listener and a thinker or rather listening and thinking? Listeners listen to learn from the thinker.”
Copyright 2010 Thomas Paul Murphy
These are my thoughts and witticisms and my quotations, if you use them without my permission…it would not be good for me. I would become very sad that you did not give me credit for my intellectual property and your karma whether you believe in it or not will be negatively affected, maybe even monetarily. Stay tuned this is just a small percentage of these I have on file. I just do not have all the time to sort, type and post these. But when I do I will let you know.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
"When there is a pause to the storm, move to the end zone quickly."